
About Me

Hi, I'm Audrey.

Thank you for taking an interest in finding out more about me.

This blog started out with a very simple question. "What (skincare/cosmetics) do you recommend?"

Family friends visited me in South Korea and asked me that question. By then, I had lived in Seoul for about 2 months and was very interested in skincare. I wouldn't just buy anything out there and hope it works. If I'm gonna spend money on something for a certain purpose, it'd better work its purpose! There's TONS of skincare shops on the streets of Seoul promising all sorts of magic. How do I know what's really good?

Hmm... What's an internet savvy girl to do? I dived into all sorts of beauty shows, beauty websites, beauty blogs, ebay and amazon reviews/comments and youtube videos to find that must-have, to die for, that absolutely perfect.... that holy grail product.

So, when I answered that question, instead of a "Umm, well... I think this product's good", I blurted out, 
 "I use this cos... and this product is this brand's top 10 best-selling products... and according to this famous beauty blogger.... and in just some random forums I read, many people said that.... and this famous Korean beauty show said that.... but people with this kind of skin don't really.... so if you think this is what you would (not) like, this product is (not) the product for you".

At the end of it, my friends were like O.O

Many friends and smiles later.... I decided since I was already doing it for myself, I should blog my research out (along with the random thoughts that pass my head regarding skincare and cosmetics) to share the info.

I hope what I write about has helped you. If it's done the opposite, I'm sorry. Skincare is a tricky thing cos everyone's skin and life (activities, environment, diet, hormones) is different.

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